Grocery Delivery
DIRECTIONS: This link above will take you directly to the grocery store website. When checking out online, please use the directions below. Directions for ordering alcohol are at the bottom of this page.
​ Home Page
Add Grocery Items to Cart, then follow the steps below for checkout.
Create an account, in the field for your name - write (Your Name / Sitka Lighthouse).
Curbside pick up
Date for pick up would be - Your Date of Check in. If you are checking in on a Thursday, elect Wednesday as your pick up day.
Pick up Time Slot is: 8:00am
Request Boxes
There is a field for notes - write again here - Sitka Lighthouse for curbside pick up.
Please do not forget to enter your credit card information into the form.
If you fill out the form like this, you should have no problem entering your credit card and having us pick up your groceries for you. We will deliver them to the dock at check in, or they will be on site when you arrive, depending on our cleaning schedule that day.
Please order your groceries online three days prior to your check in day. When you have confirmed your order with the store please email your order to teal@sitkalighthouse, so that we can put your grocery delivery on our schedule.
Alcohol Orders- Please call in your order to House Of Liquor. Tell them your name and that you are a lighthouse guest. Pick-up is on your day of check-in. We will invoice you after your arrival since they can not take CC over the phone. (907) 747-5322